America’s Cold War Dividend is Over (Nasdaq:UROY)

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the USA won the Cold War.

A major benefit of winning the Cold War was the United States was to secure low electricity prices as America secured cheap Russian uranium because Russia was essentially broke.

Low-cost electricity is directly correlated to rise in GDP and the benefit stable low-cost nuclear power helped US GDP growth.

Without that low-cost electricity, America’s GDP would be lower. That’s a fact.

But moving forward, the hyperscalers understand the benefits from 33 years of America’s Cold War Dividend…

The benefits obtained from winning the Cold War – like low-cost Russian uranium, which fueled low-cost electricity that ended in 2024.

America needs to secure a stable, secure source of uranium outside of Russia’s sphere of influence.

Not only has Russia caused a divide in the supply of uranium to the US, but Russia’s geopolitical actions have caused Congress to pass the Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act (PRUIA).