How DAO Crowdfunding Could Revolutionize Sports

Crowdsourced strategies can introduce a diversity of perspectives, leading to more innovative and adaptable game plans, writes a high school senior and sports fanatic.

By Ben Notaris

In the high-stakes world of sports, strategy is everything. Traditionally, game plans and tactical decisions have been the exclusive domain of coaches and analysts, decided behind closed doors.

But imagine a scenario where thousands of passionate fans have a direct say in those crucial calls. Thanks to the rise of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), this once-unthinkable concept is rapidly becoming reality.

The Yield Curve Before & After the Rate Cut: Why Have Longer-Term Yields Risen since the Rate Cut? Already Priced in? Inflation Concerns as Policy Loosens in a Decent Economy?

Mortgage rates also ticked up.

By Wolf Richter for WOLF STREET.

The Treasury yield curve is un-inverting piece by piece, but not in the way future homebuyers want: before and since the rate cut, shorter-term Treasury yields have fallen, driven by the Fed’s actual and expected rate cuts; but longer-term Treasury yields and mortgage rates have inched up.

As shorter-term yields drop while longer-term yields rise – or fall more slowly than shorter-term yields – the yield curve un-inverts step by step and eventually enters its normal state where all shorter-term yields are lower than longer-term yields.

But it still has a long way to go before it’s un-inverted all the way, to where shorter-term yields are lower than longer-term yields across the yield curve.

What we have now is a yield curve with still high but falling shorter-term yields, a sag in the middle with the low point at 3 years, and rising longer-term yields.

Critical Metal Wars and What’s Coming

Dread from it… run from it…

The net-zero transition will arrive all the same.

Whether you personally agree with it or not, the race to reduce emissions is now well underway globally.

Led by government initiatives and new regulatory frameworks, decarbonization is on every country’s agenda.

Airport bathrooms have dimming lights and faucets that barely trickle.

Italian hotels are under law not to blast air conditioners even in the dead of summer.

Yes, Italy is one of a handful of EU countries that regulate temperatures in public buildings, including hotels.

But the monster fundamental building blocks of net zero will create serious demand…

These are the materials needed to construct the new power plants, battery systems, and other technologies of our carbon-free future: mineral resources.